Get Tested - In the Comfort of Your Own Bed
A home sleep test is a medical test that is used to diagnose sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. The test is typically done using a portable device that measures several different physiological parameters while you sleep in the comfort of your own bed.
Here are the general steps involved in a home sleep test:
Consultation: First, you will need to schedule a consultation with a sleep specialist,or dentist who will evaluate your symptoms and medical history to determine if a home sleep test is appropriate for you.
Device setup: If a home sleep test is recommended, the sleep specialist will provide you with a portable device that you can take home with you. The device will typically include sensors that you will attach to your body, such as a belt that goes around your chest to measure breathing and a sensor that clips onto your finger to measure oxygen levels.
Device use: Once you have the device, you will use it to record your sleep over the course of one or more nights. The device will track various physiological parameters such as your breathing patterns, heart rate, oxygen levels, and body movements.
Data analysis: After you have completed the test, the data from the device will be analyzed by a sleep specialist to determine if you have a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea. The results of the test will be used to make a diagnosis and to develop a treatment plan if necessary.
Overall, a home sleep test is a convenient and non-invasive way to diagnose sleep disorders, allowing you to sleep in your own bed while still receiving medical care.
Do you need to get tested? Call 760.634.3400 to setup a consultation.